

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blogging with a Purpose

I know I haven't blogged for the longest time. With my busy schedule managing and serving as a psychologist, secretary,coach, teacher, advisor, mediator and whatever role my job needs to the 12 or more people I manage everyday , plus the fact that blogspot requires one to log in with a gmail account..which I do have ,but for the love of me, I always seem to forget what username I have for it, I had totally forgotten to update my page.. until now ofcourse.

It started with Mr. A telling me that he signed up to start a whole new "public blog". I was amused upon hearing about it since this means that I will be able to know "superficially" what goes on that head of his, even though I really don't need a blog to know about it. With that, I decided to pay my own li'l spot a visit, without the intentions of updating it - just want to look around, read the things I have written in the past... Though, I did updated the links and my profile picture. I kept on seeing that picture of me lying sideways and I decided to finally give it a rest and upload a different one with more - uhm.. sophistication? Hehe!

Anyways, its not until I came across each entry that I had written over the years that I have noticed that there are actual comments left by actual readers that I never knew I had. I mean, back then, the people who usually read my blog are my friends and some relatives ( and I got into trouble because of it! that's a different story though!)..people I knew, but right now, I'm seeing that there are other people who are actually responding to the silly things I'm writing here and who are able to relate to what I'm writing about. I glanced over the dates on when the comments were posted and the latest one I've seen was just last year. I immediately checked the comment settings on my blog and have found out that I haven't turned that feature on where they'll send you a notification that someone has left a comment on my page. Drats! So now, dear readers, I already have turned it on so I'll be able to respond in a timely manner.

So there you go, a blog with a purpose. It's good to know that you can certainly reach out to a lot of people in your own li'l way. May it be to inform, share, or just rant, I'm sure that there will be someone who would just feel the same way or will be gaining insight from my everyday mishaps. With this, I'll continue to share my thoughts, stories and anecdotes constantly...just don't tell Mr. A about it!

I'm back! ☺


  1. Finally, I found your blog! Been looking around for a Facebook Like or Google Connect button somewhere in the page ... since duling ata ako at hindi ko makita, here you are, comment na lang ... hey, ang tagal mo na palang nagba-blog ... kakatuwa naman! Love it!

  2. Hi, Ms Career Mom Online! :P You found me! Yes, I've been blogging for quite sometime now, pero di ko na natuloy kasi I don't have the time to sort my thoughts out na.:( Maybe one of these days..I just might! For the meantime,I'm looking into having to read more of yours .. who knows, it would be the cure for my blogger's block.. :P
