

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A Day In.........

Hi! Christmas has come and gone.. My vacation just kind of went by and I just
ended up with this sniffle that I know will end up in a major case of the colds soon.

So, it's back to work for me.Two days ago, our family just had this sort of reunion on my aunt's place at Quezon City. My nieces and nephews were there. Some of my cousins were there as well. Nothing much... Although, I kinda miss the larger gatherings we used to have. Almost of my cousins are abroad now.Nevertheless, we did have fun....I kinda enjoyed being the Auntie to my nieces and nephews, and finally I did get to see one Rocky movie (Rocky 4!) starring a then younger and muscular Sylvester Stallone, get to join my cousins for some social drinking and swapping stories about some Kuya Bong and Kuya Roy's antics (promise, they are a bunch of pranksters) and got to drink Brandy with Sprite (concocted by Kuya Bong)! It was such a comfy family moment that they then decided to spend this coming New Year as well there. Whoopee, more time, drink to sawa!

Today: I just went to my friend, Marnelli's house to meet up
with Maureen. They are actually two of my best highschool buds, and we haven't seen
each other for several months. It's sad to know that Nelli still hasn't found a new job yet. But that's ok because they seem doing good, contrary to what Mau told me a few weeks back.Mau is still Mau...worrying about how she can go home without her mom noticing the proof of her spending spree. I really wish we could go out sometime, like maybe watch a movie or would be a nice change aside from just staying at Nelli's house. To tell you the truth, I have the tendency to be sleepy when things get cozy, and just sitting at a couch, watching tv is no exception. Well, i just have to plan for a get together one of these days.

Right now, everyone is looking forward to the new year.But it really sucks because if you are watching the news, a part of Asia right now is in turmoil because of the earthquake that hit Thailand that caused a major tsunami that devastated 3 other countires, India, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and even a part East Africa! As of this date, it left 15,000 people dead...and counting... Seems like 2004 has its last minute surprises for us..I really pity those poor people.. Mother Nature seems like taking its vengence..and boy its sure is a terrible revenge..

All I can do right now of course is to pray for those victims and to hope that there will be no more tragedies for this year....

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Cute Puss!

Copy of puss
Originally uploaded by mramos.
I really love cats! Aww....Isn't Puss cute?


Once there was this little girl who had too many ideas and thoughts running through her head.. Those thoughts became too much to be letting the writer in her genes out...she had this inspiration to write it all down... Being the childish girl that she was, she was satisfied to just jot down her ideas on those cute commercial diaries that they sell at the bookstore...As times flew by and several Cattleya fillers later, this girl, (who turned out to be such a fine lady, by the way!), decided to leave the primitive way of keeping journals and joined the blogging bandwagon...and here it is....

A bit corny for an opening line right? Oh well... I decided to keep a blog site of my own after realizing that its cooler to keep track my ideas, thoughts, dreams , insights, (etc..etc..) on the web instead of storing this on my personal drive in the office pc.I have some friends of course who keep their own personal space on the web and its kinda neat to actual get a glimpse of their other side....

Changes...nothing in this world is permanent except change. I can attest to that. Throughout the years, I am actually amazed on how much has changed in my life...where I am right now...the people I am with right now... How I think right now... It's either you go for the better or turn for the worse... glad that I am somewhat on the better end... I want to share the continuing changes in my life....I am sure that you'll be able to learn something..and I will be able to learn something in return as well....

Feel free to post your comments.... Promise I won't react violently.... :)

Let the festivities begin.....