

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Friends...One of life's most wonderful things........

Originally uploaded by mramos.

What A Wonderful Thought!

Nothing doing... It's back to normal in my world right now. Going to work, doing what I have to do.Payday seems like oh so far away as my funds in my atm seem to dwindle with each passing day. I think I have just a few hundred in my account or something. Anyway, I am actually living on a budget right now. It's a plus factor that I am now able to restrain my appetite (yup I have to admit that I can have an appetite that can match a guy's), not to mention my urge to spend on other items that I really want to buy, (like a new pair of jeans or sneakers..I really want to get those!)

First things first.... My cousin, Gay, who I once considered as one of the closest persons to me, is about to get married to her boyfriend of 2 years (but she has only seen him for about 5 times only) this coming February. I have a feeling that the reason why she chose that date is because February is the date when they went steady (predictable!) Anyways, you may noticed again, the past tense on that description, we have a gap right now. It's sort of silly actually and I did not expect that kind of reaction from the situation that we were in that caused that rift. It actually began with our mom and her dad are siblings. You know how comparisons can actually spark conflicts and this is a classic example. Anyways, my mom and aunt were burning the phone lines these past days about the progress of the event and so far, the news is that the parents of the guy is yet to come for the traditional "pamamanhikan". I have nothing bad against marrying early (in fact I once wished that I will be married by the time I'm 24, but of course that can never be because,guess what, I am turning 24 this year!) but with how things are faring with my cousin's family right now, its not the right moment to get married. But that's her life of course. Just been thinking what might have been if we still have that closeness,would I make a difference in her decision? Probably yes. I would've told her to consider laying the wedding plans off for another year or two. Just enough time for her and her fiancee to get to know more of each other or at least maybe save money to for their future.... But again, Gay has her own life now and she has all the right in the world to decide for herself. Just hope that she will not end up regretting that decision someday.

On other things, my parents are considering moving to a new house maybe by the end of February. I am both looking forward to that but at the same time I am dreading the thought, too.I am comfortable with our house right now and it's accessible even. Sure,it's good that we will be moving to a new environment, probably a better house, but I really can't ignore the hassles of moving out like finding the right house in the first place, and then you have to pack all your things, then there's the problem of arranging all your furniture and things again.....whew! I've been there before and of course it's really tiring especially the arranging part.

I was just going through my file here at my office PC and I was able to unearth an email that was sent to me from last I know you guys might have received or read this at one point of your life or another, but it's actually one of my fave creeds in life. And, you have to admit that at least one of these things can give you that feel good here goes:

This is originally titled as 50 WONDERFUL THINGS but right now since I really desperately want to go home now (its sad of course that I am going home alone today!) I am going to narrow this to the first 25 WONDERFUL THINGS to be continued of course:

So Let's see which have you experienced so far:
1. Falling in love.> Need to ask why?

2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.> It really feels good afterwards.....

3. A hot shower.> Best when taken during the cold season or if you have aching joints or you're tired..

4. No lines at the supermarket> No more waiting....

5. A special glance.> especially if coming from that special person...or that cute guy/gal you're eyeing acrss the room...

6. Getting mail> As long it's from a friend and its good news...not a credit card bill or any
solicitation letters or even a ransom letter!

7. Taking a drive on a pretty road. > with the window down and you can feel the wind blowing in your face and hair.

8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio. > So you can sing along as loudly as you can....nevermind if you're out of tune or you keep missing the correct lyrics to the song.

9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.> So relaxing.....

10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer. > love the clean feeling of fresh towels

11. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.> Don't we all love a bargain?

12. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla!) (or strawberry) > one of my fave afternoon drinks...

13. A long distance phone call.> from a friend you have been missing

14. A bubble bath.> > again, it's relaxing and luxurious...

15. Giggling.>

16. A good conversation.> My fave thing.... nothing is more stimulating and more enjoyable than having someone good to talk to

17 The beach> Love the breeze and the scenery.

18. Finding a 20 note in your coat from last winter.> extra money is extra money....

19. Laughing at yourself.> this is one thing that I just learned lately to's good to sometimes laugh at yourself especially when youv have done something that is embarrassing...

20. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.> i really miss this one...there's something different if you're talking to someone and its midnight...something like "all around us, thewhole city is sleeping....and yet here we are, talking the night away!"

21. Running through sprinklers.> Like letting your hair down and just being carefree...

22. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all. > you have to be careful to where you'll be doing this though! Would not want to get all those weird looks.... but then again, who cares!

23. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.> Something of a ego booster...

24. Laughing at an inside joke.> like you have a big secret that only a few of you knows about

25. Friends.> of course, no man is an island..........

Thursday, January 13, 2005

me and pol

me and pol
Originally uploaded by mramos.

Me and My Fave cat, Polgosa

Catching up..

Happy new year! New beginnings, new hopes! It has been a while since I last updated this blogsite because I had an attack of laziness and writer's block (deadly combination!). In any case, the new year wasn't that eventful for me. I missed the fireworks because I was sleeping away. But I did manged to wake up 3 minutes before the new year rang in.
Anyways, what's up with me? Nothing much. Back to normal again. No more holidays to look forward to. However,my cat, Garfield died today. (sob!sob!) Poor cat. He lived a good life.
5 years old. It's ok. I still have my favorite cat with me, Polgosa (that's Garfield's mom by the way!).

At work, I was being tasked to coach a colleague to help her improve her QA scores. The pressure's on because she has two weeks to pass her QA. I listened to her calls the other day, and she needs help polishing her knowledge about some account policies and procedures. So far, she hasn't been QAed yet, so I am hoping for the best. New year, new career? well that's one of things that has been plaguing my mind. Suddenly, I had this urge to try out new career paths and that means leaving my comfort zone at PeopleSupport. To tell you honestly, I am content right now where I am. Great pay, minimal tasks, surrounded by people I enjoy being with.... It's reallly a bit difficult to give that up and I would love to just let it be that way just a bit longer. My colleagues know that I'll be leaving around Feb or MArch. So, I have to make up my mind soon.
Healthwise, my ears are aching. Seems like I was overpoking my ears and it's a bit painful to lean my head on a certain way. It is a bit difficult to find a comfortable way of sleeping too. Anyways, just been to the doctor and that curt doctor just examined me for i think 2 minutes (and I waited for my turn for like 30 minutes!) and he just gave me a prescription for this ointment and told me to see him in one week. Goodluck! Can I just ask for a new doctor?

On a more personal note, congratulations to me because I have been officially inlove again! As you know, it has been almost two years since I have felt that know, finding yoursef smiling for no reason at all, happily anticipating, having that kilig feeling everytime you think of that person, having that connection...(ewww...!) But again it's HAVE BEEN, meaning past tense. That giddy feeling only lasted for a grand total of 2 days. I actually saw it coming and to hell with it, I let myself into the feeling. I can't believe I let myself be vulnerable again. You see, I just learned recently that I am now one of those people who are afraid to commit. Me? The hopeless romantic (secretly of course!) who in highschool, used to be puzzled why there are certain people who seemed weary to be attatched to someone they love. Or me at college, who thought that I'm going to have that first and last type of relationship. Well, the realization began when I was filling out this survey thingy on friendster and there was this question that goes, Are you afraid to commit? I found myself hesitating to put in NO. Then, i began to think, can I go through another situation where I'm going to allow someone to have that much hold on me? Not anymore. So I put in YES.So, there I was, really contemplating about the sudden change on how I view commitments in general, and after a few days, I found myself giving in to the flow of feelings, of letting that familiar, sweet feeling take over my senses. It did felt good and there was this sort of euphoria with it. I began to have those memories again on what it felt having a certain special someone.How good it feels to have an eye on someone who you have strong feelings for. I then found myself thinking what and how would it be like if it would be with HIM. (Don't wonder who HE is, I won't tell!) Then at that one act (and I would not disclose any other details) the illusion was shattered. about a short lived affair. Sigh, it is really hard to find a good man these days. All the good ones are already taken. You know, the type which you can take home to meet your parents and you wouldn't hear 5 reasons why they (along with the rest of your relatives) think that you should consider looking for another. I've seen my friends cry over some unworthy guys, and in some cases, over hopeless relationships.With that, doubled with the terrible breakup (sob!sob!) I've been through, I am now weary entering a relationship where I know I have to risk something to make it work. Well, some good things never lasts! I think I'll just write more about that topic next time! I know a lot of people do take notice if topic will be purely on love, so till now, gotta go! :)