

Thursday, March 30, 2006

In a Sad State

I am bit depressed and torn right now.. How come the person who I expected to be right there for me was actually the one who let me down??

I'm getting a bit tired and sad right now of all the things that have been happening in my life right now.. I'm getting a bit lost. Right now, what I would like is something that is a sure thing for a change... not something that I would always second guess or figure out.

I feel that some people have taken me granted and I don't really want to feel that I am being unappreciated anymore.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Doubting Thomas

I first heard it from my cousin... that the people you might mingle with at the workplace aren't necessarily your friends. His reason? It's because it's just that you don't have any choice. Circumstances is forcing you to socialize, to be with them in order to survive the workplace. It's just like the text message that Alvin D. sent's part hypocrisy and part self-interest.

Monday, March 06, 2006

After the Long Hiatus

I was considering closing this blog site of mine. Well... here I am writing again... A lot of things are going on my mind these past few days..I came so close to resigning..again..this must be the nth time and I really don't know anymore how and to what reason I'll probably be resigning for real.. I am now living the normal life..meaning that I get to wake up in the morning..daytime if you will, to go to work like any other normal being..and go home at night, with rush hour traffic and all. I was assigned to help out the new batch of reps who will be coming in and the training schedule was set on a morning. Anyway, so here I am.. living the normal life for the next 4 days or so..

Right now, I am excited about the trip that me and the Troopers will make this coming April. We'll be going to Cebu and Bohol..really can't wait, although, I was originally planning a vacation all by know to explore and maybe have some time to think about everything in my life...all by myself. Looks like I have to put aside the idea for the meantime.