

Sunday, April 16, 2006

What's in a Name?

PS Troopers Achievers
Originally uploaded by Alex A..

My first day as an official Sup Trainee for PeoplePC! But technically, I am already acting out as a supervisor for the past week and I feel a bit weird, like sending out emails to workforce to check agent logs or trying to get used to having my signature as Team Supervisor Trainee...

I already have my direct reports,,16 all in all. So far, I have some of the best..I just hope that we would be doing well in terms of team stats..And I will be able to be an effective coach and mentor to them. We had our very first team meeting. So far, everything went well...Everyone seems like they would cooperate, and of course, I hope they will.

One problem caught us off guard, though... What will be our team name? After a moment of silence... (my name, common as it may seem, really is a challenge when it comes to thinking of a striking team name that can be associated with it..)

After a good 10 minutes of racking our brains out, someone came up with this:

MCRami Sales...

Any reactions would be highly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. ei tin! congrats! you so deserve it. :)
    please extend my congratulations to aya and sky.
